Thursday, February 26, 2009

VETTA VLOGGIN' after midnight thought

We HAVE TO SUPPORT EACH OTHER!!! WE HAVE to SHOW UP for one another. WE are counting on US. Can WE make a commitment?
 Rich Bella at 8:31am February 26
Most def!!! Vibrations from Music should be enough to get the "Jump Off" going...I got You!!!
 Tammy Alvarez at 10:24am February 26
I FEEEEL you on this one! Especially when I walk into a party or such with the people I love being with--and they aren't happy about BEing there cause it's not "happening". I'm all about enjoying the people I'm with.
What days will your classes be on? I have a six year old son that everyone who meets him says he should be on tv :P
 Antoine Mance at 11:19am February 26
YEs Vetta! You & I am on the same level when it comes to that. I am the type of person that if I do walk into anywhere and it is not "poppin", then it is my job to make it "poppin" for the people who are there and for the people like myself who came out to support the cause. 

They call me the mingle man because no matter who you are, where you're from, I will introduce myself and make you feel comfortable enough to get out and dance and enjoy yourself! It could be a song that you don't even like and you'll be dancing and learning the I'm somewhat the "poppin'"
 Aisha Winfrey at 7:19pm February 26
Hey Vetta Vloggin and I have to be Honest. When I was Partying I wanted and waited for a Cool turn Out. 

Moving Forward into My family life, this hit home. My hubby's Family is all here and he - he works all day, some nights - and provides - But Picks & Chooses when he wants to attend the Family functions. He was in LA for 12 years and since now HOME. 

This member so happens to be the Cousins Husband is having a get together., They have history - I dunno... Maybe the event is just for adults Cause it is after 7 p.m. on a Friday. There comes a time With age - "I THINK" you draw a line. (I wanna GO) - and He's Like For Real. asw - Just a thought. In the end, The support Means Everything. Especially in Los Angeles because the lines are so thin. We work so Hard Everyday. I Know.
 Chris Mathews at 2:07pm February 27
I'm musing over your perspective on this subject.."Showing up" to an event is not support as you've pointed out. "Staying up" for the event is support. Effort is the difference between success and failure, love and loneliness, friend and foe...An extra step forward is so needed in this world, and yet for the most part many are unwilling to take that step. Thus, we mull over "the party not poppin off" or " "the people are wack" or "it's too damn hot in here" or "that (b*tch or n*gga) think he/she is the sh*t"...That mindset gives way to being non supportive of the person(s) you've arrived for...YOU Ms. Vetta, are the TRUTH...Keep doing what you do.
 Marta Sofia at 4:54pm February 28
vetta you are so on point with this vettablog i loves it...your support is so appreciated..i can tell be the way you know you are appreciated because you those reading this..davetta is the type of person who will drop her moment to be helpful in yours..i met davetta because she was kind enough to pick up a perfect stranger (me) from a hotel in la..where i was stranded and oh so lonely because who cares...but the point is this girl here came to pick me up took me to her home made me feel like her sister ..cared for me like a best friend and then showed me a good time out on the town!!! i love you davetta you are one of the truest and most loving human beings i know and i'm thankful and proud that i know you♥
 Vetta Sherwood at 6:01pm February 28
Wow! Thank you so much Marta! You are beautiful inside and out. Stronger than you know and I am aloe glad we met. When you coming to visit? My apt could use your expertise!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


 Vikter Duplaix at 10:11am February 25
teach life:)
 Rich Bella at 12:29pm February 25
 Antoine Mance at 1:21pm February 25
Hey whatcha doing?! I'm Vetta Vloggin'! Yeah I'm watchin' Vetta Vloggin'! 

Your beginnings are very heart touching...that's why I became hook on you Vetta...I love that you are very random because it keeps your environment just like your vlogs...interesting...Its always nice to see you doing ya thang everywhere!!

Totally Awesome @ the Davetta Sherwood's Acting ACADEMY!! You are on your grind! I love the fact that your so passionate about spreading the knowledge that you received. I don't have any kids to donate but...can I join?! Does this mean that I get to hear you talk everyday?! You Vloggin' at School and outside will be hot! I was thinking about a beach front Vlog. Whatcha think? 

My Guess
Devetta Sherwood's Academy of Vitality
or Academy of Life's Lessons or Life Lessons Academy
 Antoine Mance at 1:22pm February 25
Oh yeah...the funniest random Vlog was in the Car before your best friend came in from the store. GREAT!!!
 Jeremy Horn at 1:57pm February 25
Oh this is amazing news! Congratulations! I wish you nothing but the best with your acting school. I know your going to be a wonderful instructor and mentor to your students. You have the passion and the positivity to influence a lot of people. You even influence me too.
 Vikter Duplaix at 2:00pm February 25
i want to see you act like a wild passionate lover. can you teach that too?
 Antoine Mance at 3:13pm February 25
umm...Vikter? What was that? This is serious business...This is Vetta...The queen of must come a little more correct with your questions...
 Rich Bella at 3:17pm February 25
Everyone is working with the best of what they Know. I invite us to Hold Space with the intention all is GOOD. All is perfect and Let it be.
 Antoine Mance at 3:18pm February 25
Words spoken so well...
 Lauren Miller at 3:49pm February 25
I'm so glad u were able to post a longer video. :oD

Monday, February 23, 2009

VETTA VLOGGIN' #8 "It's OUR choice"

 Rich Bella at 4:26pm February 23
The intro is HOT!!! Love the honesty and availability You are open to!!! Keep DOING YOU!!! Peace and Blessings...
 Antoine Mance at 10:14pm February 23
Hey Vetta!!! Glad to see you back! I think my computer froze because I kept hitting refresh! lol. That quote you said is real talk because if you take a step back and think about what you didn't like about a certain realize that it was because of the way you were or are that made that situation uncomfortable to you.

Well seeing that you're Vloggin' on BlogSpot & Facebook...we have to make a 2nd verse to The Vetta Vlog Theme Song!!! WhatCha Think?!
 Vetta Sherwood at 10:20pm February 23
I think, yes!
 Jo C at 9:08am February 24
I love the theme song! Me n Chuckie are going to make our own. I like the topic that you had brought up. I do think that certain people act a certain way when they have the interactions of others. And i like how you brought into your project with working with one another in order to achieve a similar goal. And the fact that it is each persons personal choices that actually make it possible to move forward as a nation. Each person can make a different contribution with their own personal choices and what each individual chooses to do with their lives helps others move forward as well. 
This goes back to what you had said before with how people interact with each other is how you would achieve a particular goal. By what the next person does influences what you're going to do, whether you're aware of it or not.
 Sam Jones at 7:20am February 25
I appreciate your drive and attention to details. Making a difference, changing things, its something I'm working towards as well and I'm hoping our generation is able to move forward and make some major improvements in our cities, in our states, and hopefully far beyond that!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


VETTA VLOGGIN' #7 "Love the things & people that hurt you"

Period Pimple n Facebook Correction

V Needs Your help Forreal!!!

Please watch, I need your help and advice
 Elaysha Childs at 1:59pm February 17
this really suck!!
i just got in to VV... lol
i hope somebody gives you advice so you can contine
 Kalandra Moseley at 3:53pm February 17
It will be ok VV is dope you can make it work.....
 Kalandra Moseley at 4:05pm February 17
FYI I was just on Teri's page and she records them first then uploads them if that helps you any....miss you -K-
 Antoine Mance at 9:30pm February 17
You know I heated! I'm going to find a way around this thing because you know I can't go on with no more VV's! I know some people who know some things about flash & how to take videos from Flash. I'm going to consult them and get back with you!